When Joey was younger, he was always the smallest in his class and was teased quite often
about his size. There was this one kid who seemed to be a regular instigator when Joey was in junior high.
I won't tell you what I thought of this boy, but I think you can guess.
One day, Joey was the last to come into the classroom after lunch and ended
up leaving the door open after he entered. This kid looked at Joey and said very loudly for all to hear "Close
the door. Were you born in a barn?" Joey, very calmly, looked at him and replied "As a matter of fact I was, and
I get homesick every time I see a jackass like you!"
What a proud moment for not only him, but for me as well. The entire class laughed
and his days of being teased were over from that day forward. He knew right then that he had a gift and began to use
it to his full advantage. I was so envious of his ability for the perfect comeback. THAT'S MY BOY
One day, Joey went to meet his girlfriend for lunch. Since the restaurant was only
a couple blocks from where she worked, he just parked his bike and they decided to walk. He took his gloves, his jacket,
and his helmet with him so that they wouldn't get stolen. I often thought they were just an extension of his body.
While at a crosswalk, he noticed a nice Mustang stopped at the red light. Pulling a
typical Joey, he decided to put on his jacket, his helmet, and his gloves and proceded to kneel down and get in position as
if to begin a 50 yard dash race. He looked at the Mustang's driver and yelled to him "Wanna Race?" The driver,
happy to play along, began to rev his engine while other cars began honking with approval.
The light turned green and Joey took off at a full run, complete with all his gear.
The Mustang driver peeled out, laughing as he passed Joey. I'm sure it brightened his day. Joey, of course,
lost the race that day, but left a lasting impression on all those who were fortunate enough to witness his true sense of